Anodurit® C

Anodurit®: A Swiss Invention!

Let us Anodize your parts (Titanium, Tantalum....) with Anodurit C (coloured). Without changes in size you receive a  crystalline surface, nearly as hard as Diamond.

Picture: Wikipedia

Anodurit treated parts achieve a considerably higher bending fatigue strength. No Sandblasting! This prevents surface contamination with sand parts and reduces costs.

Treating your parts with Anodurit we guarantee a regular and better adhere colour all over. No more degraded parts! Better than Anodizing Titanium Type 3 (Titanium, Tantalum....)

Anodurit® - the next level
Your advantages

  • colored surface
  • crystalline, hard surface
  • surface completelly sealed and clean
  • true to size, no post processing
  • considerably higher bending fatigue strength
  • enhanced corrosion resistance

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